The EAE Emblem 1975

The Evangelistic Association of the East

The Evangelistic Association of the East

Under the Holy Apostolic See of Antioch & All the East

Est. 1924, Registered under the Indian Societies Registration Act 1860 in 1949

- Reg. No. : S.8/1949 -


Since 1924

The EAE was founded by
Late Lamented ‘Malphono Nasiho’ Very Rev. Cor-Episcopo Geevarghese Athunkal.

“Arise, shine; For your light has come!
And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.”

♰ Isaiah 60:01 ♰

Centenary Year 2024

100 Years of The Evangelistic Association of the East

About Us

Reg. No. : S.8/1949

The Evangelistic Association of the East is an NGO headquartered in Perumbavoor town of the Ernakulam district of Kerala. The EAE serves in the Social Service, Academic, and Spirituality domains based in South India. The EAE is a registered entity under the Indian Societies Registration Act. XXI of 1860.

The EAE encompasses an Orphanage and an Old-Age Home. It includes care homes for children and the elderly. It also emphasizes different Educational Institutions affiliated with the state and central boards. 

The EAE Arch Diocese is under the Syriac Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East and has parishes, convents, and a monastery. It hosts mission centers and coalitions for liturgical and social services in the community.

In 1924, ‘The Malphono Nasiho’ Very. Rev. Geevarghese Cor-Episcopa Athunkal founded the association. It is the first missionary association of the Syriac Orthodox Church in India. The teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ fledged as an inspiration for its causes. “Arise, Shine” is the slogan of the association. It is from the bible verse in the book of Isaiah 60:01. The EAE endorses an affiliation with the Syriac Orthodox Church. H. H. Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, The Patriarch of Antioch, is the supreme patron of the association. H. G. Mor Chrysostomos Markose Metropolitan is the president of The Evangelistic Association of the East.

Our Causes

Social Work

Social Work starts from a basic level of responsibility and dedication. We aim at programs concerning the collective well-being of a person that enhances the social change, cohesion, and values. Volunteers from various fields help to serve the local communities.  


The Art of learning facilitates knowledge through observations, experiences and insights based on moral habits. It is the most substantial element to change the world. It provides awareness of a better life through innovation and creativity.

Children & Elderly Care

Our Old Age Homes and Orphanages are working hard for the people who are left behind. We bestow a better lifestyle for them by providing an ideal place and home-like environment. We have dedicated homes for the elders, boys, and girls.

Charity & Health care

There are people around us whose life had become stuck lacking Financial Support. We serve them with resources. Home projects, Marriage support, food kit distribution are some of our pinnacle causes. We also visit the sick and support them.

Gospel Mission

We Preserve the faith & liturgy of the Syriac Orthodox Church. The Church in Antioch was established in circa 37 A.D. by St. Peter, the Apostle of Lord Jesus Christ. The Arch Diocese of E.A.E comprises Churches, Gospel Teams, Convents, and a Monastery. We promote the use of Christian values.

Environment Conservation

We work on projects involving environmental awareness, sustainability, and conservation. We aim to build a healthier community by supporting organic farming. It helps in the growth of the local farmer’s market. We maintain small gardens at our institutions.

Counseling & Motivation

There are isolated victims with behavioral changes who require assistance. We conduct awareness campaigns, relief care, etc. to reflect on their issues and assist them. We connect with various experts and are ready to help you. We offer Pre-marital counselling at our regional centers.​

Women Empowerment

Women lead the role of a supportive mother, daughter, wife, sister, colleague, etc. Equal space and assistance are vital in improving women's economic status and well-being. We promote girl-child education in deprived sectors of society.


Addiction is a fast process, but De-addiction takes its own time. Proper Guidance and ambience can influence change. We believe that educating teenagers and their parents can help prevent it by encouraging them in sports, music, reading, yoga, etc. We have many success stories to tell. EAE Anti Drug Fighters is a campaign that spread awareness about the harmful use of Drugs.

Karunalayam Old Age Home

Old Age Care Home for senior citizens.

Boy's Home

Our Care Home for Boys is home to 50 Children. Founded in 1951 the St. Thomas Orphanage Boy’s Home is located in Head Office Compound at Perumbavoor.

Girl's Home

Our Care Home for Girls is home to 35 Children. Girl’s Home was founded in 1976 as a branch of St. Thomas Orphanage located at Thungali, Vengoor.

“For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel, not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of no effect.”

♰ 1 Corinthians 1:17 ♰
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